The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right, one on which potentially all of the other rights of the American people depend.

Audit Alabama is a grassroots movement of fellow Alabamians who are concerned about the integrity of our elections. We are not political science majors or professional campaigners. We are dads, moms, uncles, aunts, and grandparents who are concerned in preserving our republic.

In 1987 at the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Signing Ceremony, President Ronald Reagan used a Russian phrase that Premier Vladimir Lenin originated, ‘doveryai, no proveryai,’ which translated ‘trust, but verify.’ President Reagan frequently used this phrase when he discussed the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, and it has become arguably one of his greatest quotes. Almost four decades later, it still applies in many circumstances. 

Think about how many times we see a verification process take place in our everyday life. When we go to the gas pump there is a sticker certifying the volume of gasoline coming out has been verified by the state. When we check our luggage at the airport, security does not trust that there are not any hazardous materials in them. What do they do? They run it through an X-Ray machine to verify that there is nothing hazardous inside. When a company considers hiring someone, they may request some references from the candidate as a way to verify information.

Requesting a verification or an audit of an election has become a hotly contested issue since November 3, 2020, but it should not be. The most sacred right we have as Americans is the right to vote.